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I'd like to add our new laptop/tablet to our subscription for Webroot.

Our member number is ________  Webroot SecureAnyshere Keycode  at the bottom of the "Member Number" information:

 Code removed for Security Purposes


As anyone who reads this can tell:  I'm not a Techi!!!    Thanks for any help you can offer.  Norma
@ wrote:

I'd like to add our new laptop/tablet to our subscription for Webroot.

Our member number is ________  Webroot SecureAnyshere Keycode  at the bottom of the "Member Number" information:

 Code removed for Security Purposes


As anyone who reads this can tell:  I'm not a Techi!!!    Thanks for any help you can offer.  Norma

Welcome brb20,


Welcome to the Communnity Forum Norma!


You need that 20 digit code to install Webroot to your laptop.



What kind of laptop do you have? Here is a USER GUIDE .to help you.


If you get lost or need more help please come back and we will guide you.




Please help me to add a new tablet to my subscription.   Thanks.

I have a new Samsung Galaxy S7 which I need to add.  My current subscription has 115 days left.  But Webroot obviously does not have a more direct way to add a device.  I have my keycode and am ready to add the device.  Why is this so difficult?

Like which details???
