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Hi I am definitely lacking in my computer skills. I have a problem. I heard from my neighbors that shady people were hanging around my house. Turns out they are using my Wi-Fi signal. I asked them to stop and they are back. Bad people! I just want a little privacy. I need to password protect my Linksys Wireless-G 2.4GHz   54Mbps Broadband Router. I need help, these guys are Meth addicts, too old to confront these guys. Hopefully password protection is my only alternative. I would appreciate some help.. Thanks!


I'm sorry to hear you are having this problem. Unfortunatly, this is not something the the Webroot password protection can help you with as it is a password manager like LastPass, 1Password, etc. (Please correct me if I am wrong.) This is something you will have to do by configuring you wi-fi network to utilize a password. I also recommend you make it a hidden network.


This may be of some help.


Best of luck,


You need to make sure you do the following on your Linksys router:-


1. Set a complex password to access your router settings.

2. Make sure your WiFi network authentication is set to WPA?WPA2

3. Set a strong complex passphrase for your WiFi network.
Hi JP1954


If I may just add to the good advice already provided...for a really paranoid approach to this you could also (if the router supports it):


1. Disable the broadcasting of your network's SSID (or service set identifier) which effectively identifies the presence of your network to the outside world, so if they cannot see it they don't know it is there and so cannot connect to it (having said that a real hacker will be able to sniff out the network even if SSID is turned off...but as they are Meths Heads they may not be in that league.


2. Enable MAC address specific access which allows you to deifne which specific devices (identified by their unique MAC addresses) can connect.


Good luck


Thanks everyone for all the advice. I just saw the answers to my question. I will try and implement your suggestions. I have never bothered to password protect my Linksys, but suddenly I have lowlifes hanging around in my backyard supposedly making phonecalls on my wifi signal. Unbelievable! I gave this guy a soda and asked him to stop. Next day, he is back. Trust anywhere?
Hi JP1954


You are most welcome and we hope that something in what has been provided manages to get them disinterested in your WiFi connection and so move on/leave you in peace.


Keep us posted on how you are getting on in relation to that.


Regards, Baldrick
