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I am trying to import passwords from Firefox.  I have Firefox version 26.  When I select "Import Data" I a, told I don't have the browser plugin installed.  I have the Webroot Filtering extension and the Webroot Password Manager 2.5.0 running.  How do I import all my existing password data into Webroot so I don't have to site by site?
Hi donifer


Welcome to the Community Forums...


Let's try to give yo some help.  In my humble opinion the simplest approach would be for you to export your Firefox passwords to a .csv.  To do that you need to install a FF addon called Password Exporter (currently v1.6.1) via the add on option in Firefox.  You can go there and search, download & iinstall that addon easily.


GIve that a try first and then post back.  I suspect that you are getting the issue when you look to import data in WSA because it odes not know what to import...but I made be wrong so please provide some more information on what you are doing in WSA to get that message.


Regards, Baldrick
I tried that fix but I get the following error:


We are sorry, an error has occurred.

Error: ReferenceError: hackutf16to8 is not defined


From the beginning:


I open the WRSA panel from the system tray

I click on "password Manager" then "Managae Passwords"

This opena a webpage in FF and I log in to the WRSA website

On the Passwords tab, I select "Import Data"

At the prompt I select Firefox from the drop down menu

I get this error message:  "Importing data from Firefox can only be performed if you have the browser plugin installed."




Hi donifer


OK, have managed to recreate what you thanks for the information.  I need to check this out; find out why this is and what the referred to plugin is.  Will try to get back to you as soon as possible.





I have the same issue

But no answer is here
Hi slotking


Welcome to the Community Forums.


I have been singularly unable to import directly from Firefox and so resorted to exporting the passwords required using the 'Password Exporter' addon for Firefox, to a CSV file, and then using the 'Other' options selectable from the the list of source options under the Import option into the Webroot Password Manager.


Not ideal...but thanks for the prompt...I will renew my investigations into the basis for the following to be found in the SecureAnywhere Management Website User Guide:


"Follow the on-screen instructions for importing passwords from that application. (Since every password application is unique, the instructions for importing data from each one is also unique.)"


If I find anything out this time I will post back.


Regards, Baldrick
Hi slotking


OK, with the help of TechToc (Webroot Sr. Escalation Engineer) I think that we have an answer for you on this.


There does appear to be an issue with logging into the online console, going to Passwords and from there selecting the 'Import Data' option from the list (in the top left-hand corner of the page), and from the dropdown selecting 'Firefox'...after which ones gets the message saying that a plugin is not installed. I think that this will eventually be investigated by the Support the


But there is a better/easier way to achieve the same thing, which works in the case of all browsers but slightly differently depending on which browser one uses.


So, using Firefox, go to the Webroot toolbar, and once logged in, you should be able to Click the Green 'W' icon. From there select 'Tools', and  then 'Import From', and from the list provided 'Firefox Password Manager'.  You should then get a dialog with the passwords stored in Firefox, and you can then select which to import into the Webroot Password Manager.


I have also checked this in Chrome and this works for that too...except in this case the only import option is the Chrome Password Manager as a source to import the password information from.


I should precise that the testing with Firefox was down with v40.0.3 and Webroot Toolbar v2.5.0, and so may not work if yo are not using at least each of these levels of the relevant software.


Well, I hope that this helps and offers you an alternative that is workable re. importing Firefox passwords into the Webroot Password Manager.


Finally, a bit vote of thanks/kudos to ? for spearheading the discovery.


Regards, Baldrick
I also think a round of applause and Kudo's goes to ? on this.  Well done Sir!
thank you


1 other question


I had the toolbar in firefox with win 8

win 10 crashed and I had to reinstall it


I have not seen how to reinstall the toolbar

any help?
Hi slotking

I am afraid that there is an issue, at least as far as I am aware of off, in relation to this (but I am sure that ? will correct me if this is no longer the case) and at the moment Webroot Development are still working on getting this sorted out. This is due to a recent addon policy change by Mozilla.

Having said that we do have a temporary fix for the issue the details of which you can find here. This does involve a little manual 'tweaking' but this is relatively easy to do so hopefully this will sort you out until such time as an official solution is available.

Hope that helps?

Regards, Baldrick
@ wrote:

I also think a round of applause and Kudo's goes to @ on this.  Well done Sir!

You are too kind...but I assure yo that all plaudits belong to TechToc, and not I.


Regards, Baldrick



I am working now
