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I installed SecureAnkywhere Internet Security on my iMac running OSX 10.7.5. The icon appears at the top and at first glance it appears to be working, but in fact the first scan is stuck on "Prepearing to scan". I can't set any advanced options. I cannot uninstall. I did submit a ticket but got no response so far. I did look at the community board. It seems that there were problems in the past, but the recommended solution says to choose "Shut Down SecureAnywhere. Of course. But it does not shutdown. I can't uninstall. I can't use it. I tried rebooting more than once. So I have something that is less than useless that so far I can't get rid of.


Absolutely nothing works and customer support has not responsed. I am fearful of trying this on my PC. This product was shrink wrapped from BestBuy otherwise I would fear that my product was itself a virus. Any suggestions?


I should point out that my priority is to uninstall this product. Unserstandably, I don't have much faith in it right now so I will probably not use it. But if there is a magic bullet I'd be willing to give it another try. It seems from the community respones that the Mac is a bit of an afterthought. Anybody on the team want to refute that?
As you obtained it at Best Buy, let me ask a question: if you look at the back of the box, probably on the lower left hand corner, does it say "Best Buy Serial Number" along with a code beginning with "WBR00"? If so, that is a Best Buy Subscription Software copy. It is the same software as a normal Webroot box, but you get Geek Squad support with it as well. If you see that code you can call 1800-GEEK-SQUAD and request to have assistance with the Mac.

One thing that MIGHT help is to re-install from a fresh download, but make sure you use the right download. If a Best Buy Subscription as noted above use the Best Buy downloads link below.

As for installing it on the PC, you should not have any problems, but if you do mention that when you call regarding your Mac.
It says "Member Number" and there is a WBR... number. I will try what you suggested. But the problem I have now is I can't uninstall the software from the Mac because I cannot shut down the service. The menu item is there and it is enabled but when I select it, nothing happens. Overall this is a very bad user experience. Thank you for the response.
@ wrote:

It says "Member Number" and there is a WBR... number. I will try what you suggested. But the problem I have now is I can't uninstall the software from the Mac because I cannot shut down the service. The menu item is there and it is enabled but when I select it, nothing happens. Overall this is a very bad user experience. Thank you for the response.

That IS a Best Buy Subscription Software copy then, and if you call as I suggested you will have access to a remote support agent who can attempt more advanced methods of either removal, or re-installing to fix the problem that will allow it to be either run correctly or be removed.  It sounds like something may be corrupt in the current installation, so hopefully they will be able to correct it for you.
I killed the process and was able to uninstall. I reinstalled and got the same results.


I called BestBuy and they are willing to take it back and give me Kaspersky instead. It may be a problem on my end but I suspect an untested condition - the software is not even recognizing that it isn't working correctly. So I have spent enough time on it.If I had to get it working I would call the geeks and all that, but it isn't worth it, unless Kaspersky doesn't work either.


I appreciate your responses.
@ wrote:

I killed the process and was able to uninstall. I reinstalled and got the same results.


I called BestBuy and they are willing to take it back and give me Kaspersky instead. It may be a problem on my end but I suspect an untested condition - the software is not even recognizing that it isn't working correctly. So I have spent enough time on it.If I had to get it working I would call the geeks and all that, but it isn't worth it, unless Kaspersky doesn't work either.


I appreciate your responses.

Personally I disagree about it being an 'untested condition' as so far on here you are the only one that has had it.  Bad installs happen, and they can be fixed.  That said, the most important thing is to get a product on the computer that you like and works for you.
Hi all-this is driving me absolutely nuts as well.


The window to install is popping up every 50 seconds and I can enter the key and then am told it cang get the update-after the keycode has been verified.  I submitted a ticket but am getting really frustrated. I have had this on my mac for a while and this issue only came up after a restart today. This is beyond frustrating...
Hi mmelkers


Welcome to the Community Forums...:D


Sorry to hear of your frustrations.  Given that it has worked for you for a while/has only started happening recently the best be is to have submitted the Support Ticket so that Support can check if a cirruption has occured...not that I have ever heard of that happening...but then again I have not come across many issues thankfully. ;)


If, however, you are so frustrated that you cannot wait for a response then I would say that you have nothing to lose by undertaking what David suggested earlier in the thread, i.e., an uninstall, redownload of the installer, reboot, clean see if that clears the issue. 


Be sure to post back on what you decide and, if you go the Support route and they sort you out, please let us know what comes of that as it will be of use in terms of helping users in the future if they experience the same problem.


Have a great weekend.





Thanks Baldrick-the issue is that I can not uninstall so unistalling as an option to try isn't exactly working ;)


I ended up taking it to Best Buy and just having them take care of the issue....for 30 bucks. What did they do? Restarted and then just dragged it from applications to the trash. I swear I tried that several times before I drove to BB.


I appreciate all of the feedback and suggestions-have a great weekend!


Hi mmelkers


My apologies for misunderstanding your predicament. :$


Glad you have it sorted even though Best Buy charged you what they did...especially if it was a solution that you tried first and did not work.  What are you going to now.  Reinstall WSA and give it another go given that you said that originally all was well?


Well, I hope that you. ;)  But may I ask, for future reference...what was your reason for wanting to uninstall, and when you failed to be able to, i.e., the drag from Applications to Trash did not work, was there anything esle that did not seem quite right with either your Mac or WSA...just wondering if there was a clash of some sort that manifested itself in other ways too.


I you feel so inclined please post back...but will understand if yo have ahd enough and decide not too.  Eitherway...all the best.





