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Is it normal to have no issues in 2 months of running scans? I used to use spysweeper and it would at least pick up spy cookies. I am wondering if its working properly.
Hello and Welcome!!

To answer your question,yes it is normal to have no issues in 2 months.WSA does not remove cookies by default.You can change this if you wish by selecting advanced settings in the gui,then scheduler,then system optimizer and set it and forget it.Further down the advanced settings,just above secure erase,will be system optimizer where you can select,or deselect what you can the system optimizer to clean.



Hello and Welcome to the Webroot Community!


Just to add what Dan said only the Complete and the Gamer version has the Optimizer Feature as well the Best Buy Subscription Internet Security Plus via Geek Squad so if you don't have one of these then you could download CCleaner as it will clean up cookies. Also Cookies today are harmless and if that's what you want to do just open each Browser and Delete Cookies within them. The WIN Cloud is very strong see here:




Daniel ;)


I've been using Webroot since late in 2013 and have had 0 issues.  Webroot has stopped and asked me if I am sure I want to downloads upgrades, if I'm sure it's a reliable site, but that's been it.  All my scans, which I run manually about once a week, have come up clean.  On the other hand, I avoid clicking on embedded links and don't do a lot of random browsing. I may get caught some day, but in the meantime, I play hard at the game, "Stump the Hackers".  :cathappy:
In the four or five years that I have used Webroot, I have never had an issue. (Unless you count the one time that a legitamate program was mis-identified as a PUB, but Support fixed that for me.)
To be honest the everyone is going to have a different experience but what one has to remember is that WSA does not look for dormant and therefore at the time non dangerous files/apps but looks at what is active...and therefore is more likely not to find anything when scanning because it should have jumped into action, outside any scan period, intercepted the potential threat and dealt with it there and then.


In fact I have never ever, since the early days of WSA, had a scan find anything...all the 'finds' have been interactive/on the fly detections/interventions.


Regards, Baldrick
Thank you, Baldrick.  I'll keep that in mind.
You are most welcome tearinghairout101


In the earlydays of using WSA in parallel with KIS it used to frustrate me that KIS always flagged something and WSA never you intimated 'seems like it was not doing its job'...and then over time I began to appreciate WSA's 'silence' or lack of crying wolf, so to speak...and eventually I ditched KIS to make WSA my principle line of defense...and have never regretted doing so.


Regards, Baldrick 
