is pop up warning is this real

  • 22 December 2014
  • 5 replies

just had pop up supposedly from windows that said I was infected with virus and to call an 888 number. I did a scan instead. was this a fake or real warning.  it jammed my computer

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
It's a scam.  When you say it jammed your computer, can you elaborate?  I'd suggest running a scan and then contacting out support if you're having problems eradicating this message.
I ran a scan.  I felt like my computer was hijacked.
anyway, I shut down the computer, restarted and now I don't see the message.  but I was just wondering if it was running in the background.  I reran a scan and got 0 threats.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
I ran a scan.  I felt like my computer was hijacked.
anyway, I shut down the computer, restarted and now I don't see the message.  but I was just wondering if it was running in the background.  I reran a scan and got 0 threats.
If you were browsing online, it was most likely a pop-up window embedded in the website you were on. It is a scam. Nothing more.
Is your computer operating normally? Does anything seem weird on it? If so, please contact Webroot Support and let them help you out. They will check out your computer for free.
thanks, it seems normal. FYI for anyone else with this problem.  I was looking for site to watch Downton Abbey. and got lots of bells and whistles as warnings.   beware looks like a popular way to insert a virus.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
thanks, it seems normal. FYI for anyone else with this problem.  I was looking for site to watch Downton Abbey. and got lots of bells and whistles as warnings.   beware looks like a popular way to insert a virus.
You are absolutely correct! A lot of the "free streaming" sites are embedded with all sorts of pop-ups. There are also fake ads on a lot of those sites that look for vunerabilities in your system and try to install malware (such as CryptoWall) without the user even knowing it is happening. That is why it is very important to keep your system up-to-date.
And use a good AV program, such as Webroot! :D
