Laptop does not show up in Web Console

  • 23 March 2016
  • 1 reply

3 devices using Webroot but only the  2 desktops are showing up in the Web Console. Why does the laptop not show up?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Hi Popcorn57
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Is the additional laptop a very recent addition to the subscription? If so then it is just possible that the back office systems have not yet caught up with the client installation position. If that is indeed the case I would recommend that you run a Manual scan of your system, as that sometimes 'nudges' the updating & synchronising of clients & console.
If that does not work or you have had the laptop subscribed for a while then I woud, recommend an uninstall/clean install to see if that get the laptop recognised. If you decide that you want to do that then let us know as we can provide guidance on how to do that if required.
Regards, Baldrick
