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I have https:///t5/Webroot-SecureAnywhere-Internet/Lost-access-to-password-manager-even-though-I-have-a-valid/td-p/107160/highlight/false exact issue, please help.


Hi jT415Gz


Welcome to the Community Forums.


You have obvioulsy done your kudos to you...the solution to this issue is to Open a Support Ticket.  If you have not then I recommend that you do that immediately providing the details of your keycode, email address, etc., that you are having issues with and they should be able to assist you.


In the unlikley event that you get no response then do come back here and let us know and we can try to ping either our most excellent Community Manager or one of our most excellent Mods to see if they can do anything to speed the process up.  But I am fairly confident that the Support Team will live up to their excellent reputation for responsiveness.


Hope that helps?






It has been resolved thanks
Good to hear...thanks for letting us is always good to know how issues turn out for Community members.







