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I just want to info the members here on Webroots Community Forum about a possible "Bug" with WSA and MBAM. Every once in a while the Update Button is grayed out on MBAM. This has been seen using Windows XP only. There is a Post started on Wilders Security Forum about this:

There are also other Posts about this on the MBAM Forum.

Yesterday I sent in a Support Ticket and Logs using Webroot's log-gathering utility.


Thank you very much for sharing this with us ProTruckDriver.


Your ticket is being looked at by our engineers and I have added notes referencing this thread. I also noticed in the submitted logs that there may be remnants of other security software which could be contributing to this conflict.


Please update the thread once the ticket is updated and I will keep an eye on it as well. 😉
@ wrote:

I also noticed in the submitted logs that there may be remnants of other security software which could be contributing to this conflict.

Thank you Mike. I haven't had a reply from Support but in waiting and what you posted about the logs, I usually run CCleaner but I decided to run Webroot's System Cleaner for the first time (default setting). I ran it on the Admin side and the Limited side of the computer. I haven't seen the problem come back. I hope it may have fixed the problem. ;)

Reply from Webroot Support today:



Thank you for sending us the diagnostic logs and posting on our forum.

My apologies for not responding yesterday, we were unable to reproduce the issue and wanted to investigate further today.

I see that system cleaner being run on both admin and non admin user accounts may have resolved the issue. Perhaps a Malwarebytes temporary update file had become corrupt.

Should you have additional questions or the issue returns, please send us a reply in the "Send another message:" section of this page.


The Webroot Support Team


I'm having the same problem but the system cleaner didn't work. Malwarebytes for me only works when webroot is shut down. I think the problem is webroot recognizes me as the administrator some of the time and other times it doesn't. This is why I can sometimes update and other times not.
Hello zach and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums and it's nice to see another familiar name from Wilders. ;)


Thanks  Trying to get some help from webroot on my dilemma with malwarebytes.
Welcome to the forum zach47.


Please Open a Support Ticket if you haven't done so already so we can start the process of gathering logs and investigating the conflict further.


You can let me know when you have done so and I will send the instructions.
One was opened by PTD above
Hello zach47, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. :D

@ wrote:

I'm having the same problem but the system cleaner didn't work.

Maybe I posted to early that "System Cleaner" fixed the problem. The problem is back! :(  Not as often but System Cleaner didn't fix it! So what do we do now?

Zach, I would start a Support Ticket. Maybe they could find something in your logs that is causing this.
Update: Computer updated to beta V. yesterday evening. Didn't fix problem with MBAM.
Have you come up with a solution Mike
ProTruckDriver's ticket is being looked at by our engineers and they are setting up a callback where they can investigate further. We are investigating these issues on a case by case basis because no two systems are exactly the same. It would best if we could troubleshoot your issue separately and gather a separate set of logs.


I do not have a general solution, but we will update the thread if one is provided. If you want more assistance you can Open a Support Ticket as previously advised.
I've submitted a support ticket
I am not seeing your support ticket under the same email address that you used for the Community. Would you mind Sending me a Private Message with the email address used for the ticket?


I will then be able to take notes on the issue and make sure that it gets escalated properly.


Update: Webroot is not impacting global admin rights. Our developers are investigating the interaction with Malwarebytes and the support ticket will be updated by an escalation engineer. 
