my new webroot will not activate on my new computer from best buy I asked support but nothing

  • 16 August 2016
  • 1 reply

i just bought a new laptop windows 10 and webroot will not install.  keeps rejecting the code.  i emailed support 30 hours ago but have heard nothing except the have my request

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Hi mitastx
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Sorry to hear that you are having issues.
As yours is a Best Buy purchase your first port of call in this instance is Best Buy/Geek Squad rather than Webroot Support. You can contact them on either 1.800.GEEKSQUAD or via this link to chat with an agent.
But before you try that please check that you are entering the keycode correctly; it shluld be on the back of the box and at the bottom of the receipt you received for the purchase.
Regards, Baldrick
