On installation, does webroot remove previous antivirus program? Or am I to do that?

  • 2 July 2015
  • 1 reply

I just installed the paid version of Webroot. I thought it would disable and remove my previous antivirus and firewall program (ZoneAlarm); however, the icon is still showing and to my knowledge the program has not been removed. No instructions were provided about this in the installation. Is this something the user is required to do?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hello @,
Wecome to the Webroot Community,
Webroot is built to play nicely with other Antivirus .Webroot will not uninstall these programs. You will need to remove Zone Alarm from the Control Panel/All Programs/ ZoneAlarm/Uninstall. if you no longer want or need this program. Webroot has all you need  IMO
Also have a look here for Software Removal Tools if needed...
Zone Alarm:

Hope this helps and if you have anymore questions then please ask
Kind Regards,
