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Hi All


Have just noticed that the automated transfer of previous 'Essentials' users to full 'Complete' functionality has occurred for me...and so I now have the Passwrod Management fucntionality showing up as available in my broswer(s).


Have been 'playing' with it and am yet to decide if I plan to keep it enabled.


However, one thing is bugging me...namely the fact that despite having ticked the 'Remember my Password' check box on the sign in dialog, every time I reload my browser (IE9 mainly) I have to re-enter my password to enable the Password Management functionality...which somewhat defeats the object of the  'Remember my Password' option....IMHO.


Is anyone else coming across this?  Is this a known issue?  Does anyone have a solution?


Many thanks in anticipation of a response.





Joe has replied many times in the WIlder's forums on this very subject.It is by design.It will remember your login only as long as you have the browser window open.It is viewed as a bit of a risk the other way around.I know i wouldn't want someone in my house or anywhere having access to my logins.Hope your combo of KIS and WSA has been working well for you:D
Hi superssjdan


Thanks for the quick response.  Must have missed that as have not really looked into the Password Management side of things as I was an original 'Essentials' user until very recenlty.


Understand where Webroot are coming from but IMHO it would have been nice to have the ability to decide for one's self, i.e., have a user option to define behaviour, etc...but there we go.


Whilst I am about it I can see the following in my startup "Install Webroot FF RunOnce" & "Install Webroot IE RunOnce".  They appear to be RunOnce only but unlike other such entries they appear not to disappear after what should have been running ONCE...but just stay around.  Have disabled them but was wondering if they can/should be deleted?


Yup, KIS2013 & WSA working great...but WSA is working so great and is so light I am wondering about (now hush my month) the option of going it alone with WSA only.  Perhaps I will experiment in a while...for while and see what gives.





@ wrote:

 Whilst I am about it I can see the following in my startup "Install Webroot FF RunOnce" & "Install Webroot IE RunOnce".  They appear to be RunOnce only but unlike other such entries they appear not to disappear after what should have been running ONCE...but just stay around.  Have disabled them but was wondering if they can/should be deleted?

Hi Balders,


Yes those items are needed to be there in the Startup Folder again Joe said it's for the Password Manager to work properly in Limited User Accounts.






Thanks.  Apprecaite that but I am running under an Admin User Account...?  GIven that are they required and if so then why? (Just curious).





To Quote https:///t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/212.


I've found the answer to this: these shortcuts are required. They're part of the WSA branded Lastpass to ensure it can load into each user account on startup, otherwise you may not be able to use it in each browser for each user.

This looks to be a fairly recent change as I have them on my system as well, but the intent is to make the user switching process more reliable so that it always works in each browser.

Hope that helps! :)


