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I think I only have Webroot Internet Security. I know it's not complete and probably not plus. Anyways I was having trouble with these pop ups. Amazon the worse. Very annoying, thats when I had to call someone to help me get my computer back to normal. When all was done I asked if this version had a pop up blocker. I was told no it did not. I was than told that is why I would enable blocker on chrome an IE. Well I knew that. But like I said before I was a Norton user and I also had it enable  on Norton.

My question is how does anyone feel about having Webroot blocker for ads on computer? Is it worth it, or are people just relying on chrome and IE to do their job?
Me personally I think its the job of the browser (combined with an addon) install ad-block in Chrome/Firefox and it will do 99% of the job. 
adblock and firefox, chrome if wish are the best anti banner, opups etc.
Hi Sheils


Completely agree with Roy and YOF (how are things?).


Keep it in the browser and use the avaialble addons (which you can check out easily as most are rated by other users when you search the relevant 'stores' for them.


I use AdBlock Plus in both Firefox & Chrome...and it does a fine job in dealing with the pesky popups.





Thank you so much everyone for your advice. I forgot all about adblock plus. I used to have firefox and had that on it. For some reason I don't have firefox anymore.

I work from my iphone/ipad a lot so I don't stay on the computer so much. (my computer OS is windows 7). But you know sometimes the eyes need to rest and look at a big screen. LOL!


I have it now on chrome. Any suggestions for IE?
Can you open IE and click on Help>Click About Internet Explorer and tell us what version of IE you have? Because if you version 9 or 10 I would stay away from IE till the patch comes out and I will post in here when it's released:




Daniel 😉
Looks like I have IE version 11 with an update that's checked 11.0.3
Ad-block is available for IE now (Although its not as a good as the Chrome/FF versions). 
I prefer to go on anything but IE for myself. But I want to be covered also because my husband seems to go on IE all the time. I just don't think he actually knows the difference. IE is his default and it's easier for him just to deal with that. Until something happens and it's me he's calling to fix it. :8


I've been reading up on the adblock for IE 11 I'm not convinced it's all that better. It seems a bit harder to manage also according to Cnet. So for now I'll just hold off for the IE
Hi Sheils


I would not bother too much about it re. are annoying and if you husband has not complained about them then he is most probably not too fussed about them.  If and when he does become that way then you could suggest AdBlock Plus...and if he does not like it then it can always be uninstalled.


Just my two halfpennies worth...for what they are worth...two halfpennies. ;)





thanks for the help :D
I think I'm going to have to install the adblocker for IE. We were on computer doing some training stuff. We went on in my husband's name and this ad poped up about credit scores and credit cards. That was one ad that was giving me trouble with chrome before I put the adblocker on. Anyway I had to get my husband to click out of it real fast before he sat and read everything. I noticed when we were going through the training this talking other than what we were intrested in kept interupting. I gather it was from his home page, which is msn. I managed to wiggle myself in and click out of that page. But I can see these random ads are only going to get him confused.


Can you suggest a version that I can use? I know I'm looking for the 11 but there are other versions. I'm not sure what one is what
Hi Sheils


How are you?  Well I hope?


I would always recomend downloading an add on/app directly from the author's website if at all possible.  Am not saying that other sites that offer the download are to be avoided but why not get the goods 'straight from the horse' so to speak?


If you agree with that then you should find what you need here, but make sure that you read up on what is being offered (this one works with IE11 from what I can tell).


And, on a general point, when downloading/installing make sure that you avoid PUA (Potentially Unwanted Apps) by checking what is checked to be downloaded/installed, i.e., what out for offers of toolbars, etc., that you may not want but need a positive action to prevent them downloading/installing. 


Let us know if yo need any further assistance with this.









Hi Baldrick,

I'm doing well thanks for asking.

That is what I did. I downloaded from the site you pointed me to. Seems to me ok. I agree to look before downloading and making sure it's what I want and nothing more. God knows how much itunes try to make you download more than you want.

And that's a whole other thing. Having trouble with them now. The more I try to get more info/help the more confusing. Argh!

Thank you again
Hi Sheils


You are most always.


Did AdBlock Plus install OK?  That is the first thing.


With regard to the ''Argh!" whats the problem?  Is it iTunes-related?






Yes it did install ok. I was surf around IE for awhile to notice anything. But nothing so far. I don't use IE myself I hate it. I guess the real test will be my husband. And this time he's protected.

Yes that Argh is iTunes related. In my library I lost most of my songs, playlist. The more I go for help the more I'm confused. I put back most songs manually. I found the files. But boy am I never synch my phone to that. The phone has all my music.
Hi Sheils


Glad to here that AdBlock Plus is installed...hopefully that will do the business for your husband.


Know what you mean about iTunes, and would not have it on our system if it were not for my wife being an Apply Fan (iPhone, iPad, etc.).  At the risk of confusing you even more I suspect that the issue you are experiencing is due to the synchronisation settings...and you probably need to look into those carefully, rather than anything else as otherwise ITunes will (arrogantly, IMHO) assume that it is the 'master' and that all other devices are subordinate to it and so will try to sychronise to them rather than from them.


My advice (as best I can) would be to try to get iTunes to accept a download of what you have on your phone, and the make sure that your iCloud back up is on (as that will keep a copy of them in the Cloud, and from which yo can recover if there is an issue).  Then hopefully, once the phone & iTunes are in sync, with the sync setting correctly set...they should keep level with each other.


Not sure if that helps at all...but posted just in case it does.








I'm not sure it is the synching. One night I was doing bills and opened up the itunes library on computer. I went to look for a song and noticed that most of the albums were gone. Granted these albums I upload from CD's, but other purchases where gone as well. Needless to say I didn't even bother synching anything. Songs that I purchase from iphone do go on the library on computer. So I don't think my problem is there. Playlists disappered too. I notice that I do have icloud icons on some songs. And when I download them it puts multple songs in library. I used to check and uncheck my songs as needed (like christmas songs) I'm so nervous to try and synch phone that I still have to deal with that certain music on my phone because I like to shuffle my music. I don't know I'm just so disgusted
Hi Sheils


That does seem to be very strange...I have seen iTunes do many strange thjings but that is not one of them.


As a thought it may be worth you making sure that you have all your music backed up, either to your hard drive, i.e., in My Music, as well as in iTunes, or to the iCloud, and then deregister yourself from iTunes, uninstall it, download the latest version, install that and reregister yourself, and reimport the music.


Alternatively I would Google the following "iTunes Playlists disappeared" and or "Albums in iTunes disappeared" which both seem to get lots of hits and then check out some of the links on the first page of each search.  You may well find reference to other users having or having had the same problem...and amongst that lot there may well be a solution or two to try.







Thank you. With real life happening now, I'm thinking I will get to it later.

But I like your suggestions and will follow them. I did look in itunes  from googling and did find a lot of people saying something about a file that needs to be taken out and a new one put in. Sadly this is where I'm getting confused. It was even suggested to uninstall and reinstall itunes. Some say that didn't work. I'll look into it more when time is available.


Thank you again for all the help. 

Hi Sheils


No problem...always happy to try to help if I can.


Have a great weekend.


I bought Webroot because I was having so much trouble with pop-ups on every site I visited.  However, it has done nothing to help even though I was told it probably would because they thought I had a malware problem with my computer.  I am going to call them for a refund.
I know next to nothing about computers.  Can you explain to me in plain english how to install that or is it a separate program that I need to purchase?
Hello dmsims13, welcome to the Community!


Many pop ups are not caused by malware, but are the result of what we call PUA's (Potentially Unwanted Applications).  The vast majority of these are browser add-ons, so you will want to go over those and remove any you do not recognize or use.


Please read the earlier comments in this thread for additional information,.


Webroot IS adding more and more PUA detection, so if the ones affecting you are not detected, you can also submit a Trouble Ticket (Link Below) to request help.  This will accomplish two things: help in removing them from your computer, but also it will bring additional attention to the items on your computer which may help to get them listed and detected for everyone else as well.
Thank you for the reply...I read the other posts but it was all still Greek to me as far as how to install blockers on Firefox and Chrome (which is what I use). They have become so bad I can barely use my computer.
No worries about it being "All Greek", it was to everyone here at some point!  Go ahead and click HERE to submit the Trouble Ticket, and Webroot Support should be able to give a hand to make sure there is no malware, as well as check what PUA's may be there causing the pop-ups
