Processing link keeps spinning

  • 7 October 2015
  • 6 replies

I have a Macbook Air and I use Safari as my search engine. Whenever I look something up tough I use google or yahoo in safari. My link checker used to work, but now it keeps saying processing link on any search engine I use. I even cleared my history. Can someone let me know how to fix this issue please.

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hello ?,
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
Can you tell me what OS you are running? Yosemite or El Capitan?  I have an iMac and I uses FireFox and my browser.  I am currently using the Beta Webroot and I do not have the Webfilter installed there. EDIT: The Webfilter is working ..I just don't have the checkmarks! I also don't have the s[pinning circles at all..
You can submit a Support Ticket free of charge with an active Webroot subscription and they will gladly check this out for you.
Let me ask our Mac Threat Researcher if he has any information concerning the Webfilter ??
Userlevel 7
Hello sedler_v,
In order to know what is happening, we are going to need you to send a support ticket in so we can gather logs and look into what is happening.
I am currently using the El Capitan.
What exactly do you mean by the support ticket?
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hi ?,
Please go here to submit a Support Ticket so that Webroot can take a look at your logs. This is free of charge, Explain to them the spinning circles in your browser. You can follow the instructions by entering your email. You will see this in the browser when you click on the link provided.

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Sorry I meant to mention keep on eye out in your email for the Support Team to respond back to you. Which is usually within 24-48 hours.
