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Hi Webroot..

I formatted my PC yesteday. I have a subscription on WSA+, around 270 days back as far as I remember. But when I tried to put the PW in, it told me there was an error or something. I am using a trial right now. Can you help?

Thank you.
Hi Nevi


Welcome to the Community Forums.


What you have described should not be a problem so would share with us exactly what the message you received was? That would help us determine what the cause of the issue is.


You should be able to enter your subscribed keycode at any time and convert the trial installation to a subscribed one by entering the keycode as per below (which I assume is what you are doing):



But if not then please do so and let us know what the outcome is. If this is what you do and then get the message/issue then please let us have more details.


Many thanks, Baldrick
Hi there...

Its funny, this time "activation" took a min or so, but then the "error FZLC00056 invalid or unknown key code?!

I know there was around 260-70 days back.

Thank you.
Hi Nevi


I have to admit that I have not come across that error message before. You are positive that you are entering the subscribed keycode in correctly? The best way to make sure is to copy/paste it from your registration email so if you still have that and can get the information then try that.


Otherwise the next thing to try is an uninstall/clean reinstall as that sometimes resolves these sorts of issues. If you you would like to try that option then please follow the steps below closely!


  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example:SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here(Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE)
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and do NOT import any settings if offered by the installer; to as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
Entering the subscribed keycode at the installation phase may well resolve the issue for you.


Please let us know how you get on.


Regards, Baldrick
Hi Baldrick..

I am an old customer, I have used WSA 6-7 years, so I know how to copy and paste the code on in groups of 4. I can tell where I have bought it? There has never been any problems of this kind before. But after the format It wouldn't have anything to do with the code.


I have tried to uninstall it,restart and install again. To no avail.
Hi Nevi


Apologies if my post appeared to be patronising...not knowing members experiences we tend to look to give as complete an answer as possible. :$


It has been know that an installation can be 'faulty'...not sure as to why and that a simple clean reinstall resolves the issue, so in cases like this we tend to recommend that as an in many cases but not always.


I would suggest that if you have not reinstalled since the initial reinstall of WRSA since your formatted your drive & then reinstalled the OS, that you try is simple to do and if it works then great. But if not you have lost nothing but a little bit of time, as the next port of call will be to Open a Support Ticket to let the Support Team know/investigate the issue.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
Hi again. I have tried 4 times now to make a support ticket, but I am just being sent to my console all the time. How do I make a support ticket?
Hi Nevi


Silly question perhaps...but have you set up an online account?


On the assumption that you have can you describe exactly what happens when you try to open a support ticket (I assume that this is via the link I provided) and what messages you receive, etc.?


Many thanks, Baldrick
When I click on your link I have to sign in again, and then it takes me to my consol that show which subscribtions I have and have had. But they stand as being expired all of them, so there must be a bug somewhere. **bleep** software lol!
Hi Nevi


I seem to remember having heard of this happening occassionally in the past, but cannot find reference to the previous thread (will keep looking).


If you cannot opena support ticket then you will need to contact Support by phone and the various numbers (dependant on location) can be found HERE.


WIll post back if I find the thread I am thin king about.


Regards, Baldrick
Hi Baldrick..

I have no possibility to call US or UK. I only have a cell phone, and my plan only cover Europe and Asia.

Is there anything else I can do?:@
Have you at any other time previously opened a support ticket? If so you would have received an email with a support ticket ONLY password. 

Do let us know!
Hello @,


Maybe one of our Administrators/moderator can open a support ticket or check this out for you? @ or @?


That's a good point @...
Hi Sherry

No It has never been necesarry for me to use the support system. But it would be great if one of you could help me out that way.

I was thinking about it yesteday, so its great you guys mention it.

Thank you.


"Hi again. I have tried 4 times now to make a support ticket, but I am just being sent to my console all the time. How do I make a support ticket"?


When you go to the SUPPORT link that Baldrick gave you what is it that you are actually seeing? Are you seeing image 1 or image 2?


First I'm being sent to photo nr 2, and then after having wrote my e mail adr, I'm being sent to my console.


After entering your email address are you getting this page?


Yes I reach that site after I had looked good on my consol, and up in the right corner(in my consol) there was a phone symbol. In the bottom of that site, there is an orange bottom how to contact them, but when I do I am being sent back to photo nr 2 with my e mail adr, and it keep doing that.Loop.

  • When you get to the page I indicated, scroll to the bottom of the page and CLICK (send us a message).
Let me know if this is what you see or not?
Yes it is.

But when I click on the orange button, I am being sent back to photo nr 2 where I have to write my e mail adr again, and it continue that way.
And what happens after you enter your email again?
The whole thing happend again. Its like a loop.
Does it ask you to enter a password at any time?
Yes every time I have wrote my e mail adr, I have to log in again.
Nevi, We have to get on the same page here. Please listen carefully!


When you click (send us a message) on the page I indicated, it asks for an email address. After that if it works correctly, it asks for a password. This is NOT your Console password do you understand this?
Yes I understand. But I have a PW manager (Lastpass), so maybe its the wrong PW I use? I know there are security PW's and normal PW's.
