Should I uninstall my other internet security program?

  • 6 October 2014
  • 2 replies

Hi all, I have just joined the Webroot Community and installed Webroot to my laptop. My question is, I also have Kaspersky internet security installed on my laptop should I just unistall Kaspersky from my laptop???

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Hello Francesco, welcome to the Webroot Community!
That will be pretty much a matter of personal preference.  Most AV solutions are not compatible with each other, and it can cause problems to have more than one on the computer, but Webroot is different.  Webroot was designed to be compatible with other AV solutions so you should not have a problem either way.
We have some members here who have opted to remove thier other/old AV, and others who have opted to keep it installed and add Webroot. 
I personally see no need to have any other AV solution in addition to Webroot on my own computer, but it should work just fine if you decide to keep the Kaspersky installed as well.
Userlevel 7
Yes absolutely. WSA is more than enough. Anything else is unnecessary. Also no meaning on putting extra stress on computer resources which may hit performance when WSA alone can protect you all around.
