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Slow Performance

  • 2 February 2017
  • 12 replies

I just installed webroot on 5 of my machines. Since the install, most of my programs, especially my payroll and contact management software take forever to open, and once I close them, they take betwenn 30 and 45 seconds to close.


I never had this problem prior to today; was using ESET 9, and the main reason for switching to Webroot was that ESET was consuming 245megs of ram.  Now my ram usage is minimal for this program, but my programs respond as if they are on crutches.


Any ideas?


With thanks in advance




12 replies

Userlevel 2
Just as an update. I decided to turn real time shield OFF, and woudn't you know, all programs now run at lighting speed. So what gives, if the shield is on, then the programs are pitifully slow, but not with the shield off.
Userlevel 7
Hello profpc, welcome to the Webroot Community Forum.:D
Please run the ESET Removal Tool as described in this KB Article.
Please try a Uninstall / Reinstall of Webroot after the ESET Removal Tool
Please follow the steps closely!
  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example: SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • Be sure you add your Keycode to your Online Console: Webroot SecureAnywhere Online Console
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Geek Squad Subscription PC users click HERE) Let us know if it is the Mac version you need.
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and DO NOT import any old settings as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
If the Uninstall / Reinstall doesn't fix the problem Please submit a Support Ticket or Contact Webroot Support to sort this problem. This service is FREE with a Paid Subscription.
Support Ticket System is Open 24/7
Userlevel 7
Greetings @ and welcome to our Community!

Perfect advice, Dave :)
Yes, please do reach out to our Support Team directly if @'s instructions don't resolve the issue.

Userlevel 2
Thanks Dave.
Followed the steps as outlined.
Uninstalled webroot
Boot into safe mode and ran eset uninstaller
Rebooted and installed webroot.
Scan completed with no problems.
Here are the results:
Payroll program takes 73 seconds to load, and 18 secs to close.
Chaos intellect takes 45 secs to load and does not close
Next, I disabled the real time shield.
Payroll program takes 9 seconds to load, and closes immediately.
Chaos intellect takes 7 secs to load and closes immediately.
Re-enabled the real time shield, and back to the same problem
What next guys?
Any help will be appreciated
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Please Submit a Support Ticket as it could be a simple thing of getting some of your files Whitelisted in the Webroot Cloud Database!
Thanks and please let us know the outcome!
Daniel ;)
Userlevel 7
Phil, I would give Webroot a call or put a Support Ticket in so they can look at logs on your computer to sort the problem. They will know what exactly why is happening on your computer and they will fix the problem.
Userlevel 2
Thanks again dave, support ticket sent
Have a good one
Userlevel 2
Thanks to both of Dave and Daniel
Tech support analysed my logs and after whitelisting the various programs, all is now good.
Many thanks once again guys
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Awesome to hear Phil.
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 5
Badge +11
Bravo again, yet another reason why this community is first class. Nothing else as good out there.
My system is working fine now. 
I had recently switched from Kaspersky's internet security because Bestbuy discontinued their contract with them.   In order to resolve this, I looked to Bestbuy's recommended alternatives and Webroot was one of two possibilities. I researched a bit and most if not all users chose Webroot. 
After coming to a decision, I installed Webroot and my computer became very slow in functionality. The internet dragged and my normal Windows functions began to seriously lag. After following Dave's EXACT instructions, and after the final reboot, my Windows 10 returned to its normal state.
All in all, if you had purchased a security system from Bestbuy and were faced with choosing Webroot, you may experience a lag. Follow the instructions on this thread and it may help you. 
Userlevel 7
Thanks for letting us know Dave's instructions cleared everything up for you, @!
You know where to find us if you need anything else :cathappy:
