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Hi there,


I'm trying to load Webroot SecureAnywhere Internet Security onto my Surface Pro.  Although it looks like the software downloads correctly, and the program opens, it then crashes during the introductory scan.  Any ideas as to what's going wrong?  I know that WSA didn't work with early versions of the Surface, like RT - but surely they've addressed this by now?


...and, hey, if they haven't fixed that issue yet, and if Webroot simply an option for the Surface, what do y'all recommend, please?  I really like you guys, but I like a virus-free tablet more.


Thanks in advance!
The support escalation team guy just happened to be in our area when you posted.  He said we haven't seen any reports of problems with Surface Pro 3, so go ahead and contact our support and they'll troubleshoot and get this documented.
Hi marshmallowme


Welcome to the Community Forums.


First thing that I would try is a clean a new version of the installer from here (Best Buy customer from here).  Make sure that you have your keycode to hand, and then uninstall WSA, REBOOT, install using the new version of the installer (making sure that you DO NOT take up any offer to use previous settings or the like), REBOOT...and then see how things are running.


If OK, then all well and good, but either way do post back how you are getting on.


In terms of security app for a tablet I would not use aything else as WSA is the lightest there is, as well as being the best in terms of protection (I use it on a Dell Venue Pro 8)






Hello marshmallowme and welcome to the community!


Happy to have you here and hope that the answers from Nic and Baldrik helped you out.


Come back often and browse around. You will find a wealth of valuable information here. The members are knowledgeable and helpful - very friendly too!


Please do let us know how everything is. 


We have a terrific tech support team as well, they will be happy to assist you.  You can reach them 24/7 by submittin a support ticket.



Welcome @ ...Yes it looks like Nic and Baldrick have covered the bases here! ;)

Come on back ya hear! 😉
@ wrote:

Hi there,


I'm trying to load Webroot SecureAnywhere Internet Security onto my Surface Pro.  Although it looks like the software downloads correctly, and the program opens, it then crashes during the introductory scan.  Any ideas as to what's going wrong?  I know that WSA didn't work with early versions of the Surface, like RT - but surely they've addressed this by now?


...and, hey, if they haven't fixed that issue yet, and if Webroot simply an option for the Surface, what do y'all recommend, please?  I really like you guys, but I like a virus-free tablet more.


Thanks in advance!

Also to let you know RT will never be supported unless Microsoft allows other AV's to be installed on ARM devices and the Pro Version WSA should work fine on it as it's based on x86 please see here:

How does the ARM architecture differ from x86?


And Welcome the Webroot Community!




Daniel 😉
