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A website I'm assured is OK has returned the "unsafe" message from Webroot with the following threat:


"Suspicious threat:"


Under what conditions is this threat message returned?  


How reliable is this message?


What could I expect by going there? 


What should the site do to get a passing grade from Webroot?


I would appreciatee some insights into this.  Is there a Webroot site that explains how site security evaluations works?


Just use this link to get it changed




Daniel 😉
@ wrote:

Just use this link to get it changed




Daniel ;)

Just for clarification, how exactly is the BrightCloud reputation synched with WRSA?  I've had the same thing happen on occassion.  Get a "green light" from the filtering extension and one click later, WSA is right there blocking:

This website has been reported as unsafe.
Hi Jeff


That is a very good question that I cannot answer but perhaps @ would be able to shed some light on this specific case for us?





