Type your question here...boot without webroot loading

  • 16 April 2016
  • 1 reply

There are time when I need to boot PC with out Webroot being loaded. How do I accomplish this?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Hi posopete420
Welcome to the Community Forums.
I do not belive that this is possible but will check out a couple of things and get back to you on this.
EDIT: Would you be able to explain why you need to do this as there may be some alternative approach that we could come up with for you...perhaps?
In addition, is it WSA itself that you do not want to be active or is it that you do not want it to scan at boot up? If the latter then
that is easy to change.
1. Open WSA
2. Click the Advanced Settings button at the upper right
3. Click on Scheduler 
4. REMOVE the check mark next to "Scan on Bootup if the computer is off at the scheduled time"
Regards, Baldrick
