virus warning

  • 11 October 2014
  • 4 replies

Got me a usb 2.0 sharing swith for my 2 laptops to be able to print.Have trouble to get my canon wi fi to be recognized by the pcs so this works also exept when i put in the mini disc to download software,webroot shoes message w32.trojan.bumat.
what bto do now.Eddy Van Brabandt at ~snip Removed Email Address for Security Reasons snip~

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi edwardo
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Can you explain what the 'mini disc' is? Is it a mini CD that you received with the hardware that you are trying to use?  If that hardware is from a reputable source tthen one would expect the mini CD to be to and therefore WSA is possibly objecting to some additional software bundled on the CD or it is a false positive.
Either way, without more more detail as to the provenence of the software I would Open a Support Ticketand get the Support Team to check this out for you.  By opening the ticket they will get a copy of the scan logs and can determine from that if the fiel that WSA is objecting to is genuine malware or if it is a false positive.
Hope that helps?
Regards, Baldrick
Userlevel 7
Badge +36
Quote:Got me a usb 2.0 sharing with for my 2 laptops to be able to print.Quote:
I believe the mini disc referred may be a USB stick ie: SanDisc, etc....................if so it can be scanned by webroot and the infection cleaned!
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
It could be one of those smaller sized CDs - I've had software installs for drivers come on those.  I'm assuming because it is cheaper than the full size.
Userlevel 7
They arent popular as not all drives like them, they can get swallowed by drives 🙂
