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Webroot crashing on Windows 8.1

  • 29 December 2014
  • 10 replies

So I bought Webroot SecureAnywhere Internet Security and I have one proble.. that I know of at least :)


When I am in the "Control Active Processes" "Active Processes" window and press the "More Info" button Webroot crashes with the message


Webroot SecureAnywhere: WRSA.exe - Application Error


The exception unknown software exception (0xc0000409) occurred in the applitcation at location 0x7745e358


Click on OK to terminate the program


Iv uninstall and installed again. And allso used the Uninstall tool and installed again.. no dice.

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Please contact support so we can get to the bottom of this one.  If  we're hard crashing then we want to figure out why.
Sent this to the Contact Support.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Thanks!  Please post back and let us know what the outcome was.
Userlevel 7
Hi icemanlceer
Welcome to the Community Forums.
I run Win8.1 on on of my systems together with WSA and have never seen that before.  Couple of things though if I may?  You say "used the Uninstall tool and installed again"...might I ask as to exactly what uninstall tool you have used, as it may be important.
And secondly, when in the "Active Processes" window and you click on the "More Info" button, have you highlighted one of the active processes specifically prior to the crash happening, and if so then which one, as that may be important.  If you have not highlighted a specific process the WSA will default to showing the info on the process at the top of the, again if no specific process is selected what is the process at the top of the list just prior to clicking the More inof" so that you get the crash you are reporting?
Many thanks in anticipation.
Regards, Baldrick
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hello and Welcome to the Webroot Community!
May I ask if your Windows 8.1 or Windows 8.1 Pro and if it is 32bit or 64bit?
Daniel ;)
EDIT: I have been unable to reproduce on my 2 Win 8.1 Pro 32bit & 64bit VM's.
I used WRUpgradeTool.exe after uninstalling and restarting. As we speek I am trying it again. Uninstall, restart, run this tool, then CCleaner and install again, Restart. Will report after my restart. Im using Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit fully patched with all Windows update I can get my hands on. And it did not matter what process I clicked, all of them lead to this error/crash.
Well I figured it out. I opened my laptop. Wich is running Windows 8.1 and fully updated. No crash there. So I checked what programs I have specific to my Desktop PC. Shut them down. And no crashing. Then I started Raptr (AMD Gaming Evolved) and Webroot crashes when checking processes. Not shure if it is the Webroots fault or AMD Raptr fault. But at least ive found the problem 😉
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Well I figured it out. I opened my laptop. Wich is running Windows 8.1 and fully updated. No crash there. So I checked what programs I have specific to my Desktop PC. Shut them down. And no crashing. Then I started Raptr (AMD Gaming Evolved) and Webroot crashes when checking processes. Not shure if it is the Webroots fault or AMD Raptr fault. But at least ive found the problem ;)
Can you Submit a Support Ticket from the affected PC and they will let you know and help you correct the problem and please let us know the outcome as it could help other users.
Daniel 😉
Ive done so. And allso sent them my findings with AMD's Raptr.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Ive done so. And allso sent them my findings with AMD's Raptr.
Thanks as it could be a simple thing of getting some files Whitlisted in the Cloud Database:
Daniel ;)
