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why does my password manager have a blue + sign next to it?
Hello cookies,


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


 So sorry we missed this post somehow..Are you still seeing a blue exclamation mark in Password Manager? I have aa Mac and I use Password Manager and I have not ever seen the Blue Exclamation mark. (+plus sign)


Pease look at the Mac User Guide.


Blue: means one or more potential risks require your attention.


Check to see if all that all shields are enabled


 A reboot of the Mac might help and then see if its still showing the blue exclamation mark.


You could also try uninstalling and reinstalling Webroot and that should resolve the issue. I can assist you with exact instructions for you if you want.


If you find this challenging then I would advise creating a support ticket or giving the team a call and they can resolve this for you free of charge.

Support Number: 1-866-612-4227

Support Ticket:



