Windows Update won't download (Windows 7)

  • 5 August 2016
  • 2 replies

Is there a simple setting change - either permanent or temporary - that will allow Microsoft Windows Update to do its thing without having to run MSConfig and disable everything non-Microsoft?  Antivirus programs I've used in the past had a simple Disable button that would last for 15 minutes or whatever.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19
Have a look at this link for several things you can try to get update working again on Windows 7 (seems to be a common problem):-
You shouldn't need to be disabling things to get it to work, I've used Webroot on all versions of Windows since 7 and I've never known it to interfere with Windows update.
To rule out Webroot you could try temporarily shutting Webroot down and see if update works then, don't forget to restart Webroot though.
Userlevel 7
Hi Angel-01
Welcome to the Community Forums.
If I may just add to what Sheltieuk has posted...please take a look at this previous post (#11 in the thread) and particluarly the last link in the post. Although, the thread title refers to Vista I have used the details from that link to resolve an issue with WIndows Updates not working under WIndows 7.
I heartily recommend the site linked to.
Hope that helps?
Regards, Baldrick
