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WSA and Look'n'Stop

  • 18 December 2012
  • 6 replies

As a newbie with WSA, I have another question. I would like to use LooknStop together with WSA. First, is there any compatibilty problem? And is it better to stop the WSA firewall?

No as I continue to use both without issues! ;)


 Thanks Triple Helix.:D
You are very Welcome I hope you enjoy WSA-ISP & Look'n'Stop combo as it's the only 2 realtime apps I use since the Prevx days. :D


Yeah, I am sure I will like this combo. I am new with WSA but I have been using Look'n'Stop since 10 years probably, exept a few times where I tried different firewall, but I always come back to LnS.

I know from Wilders that you are a Pro with WSA! Do you have any specific recommendation?

Thanks in advance
Not really unless you feel like tweaking the default settings but that could cause more pop-ups and default is a great out of the box! This is always good to https:///t5/Webroot-Education/If-Webroot-quot-Misses-quot-a-Virus/ta-p/10202and to learn more about the settings here is the link to the Online Help File




Our Community members pretty much covered it, but here's a useful Knowledge Base Article for your reference as well!


Webroot SecureAnywhere Firewall Compatibility
