Hey @nateschoonover
I’ve reached out to our Security Awareness Training PM and we’ll get back to you!
Hi @nateschoonover congrats on taking the extra step to customize the invite templates, and thanks for reaching out. Due to copyright reasons, we are not able to host any user images and so you need to provide valid url’s for the images you want to use in your template, whether you host them yourself or they are available publicly.
With regard to using the Webroot logo, we don’t normally provide our logo for use in this manner. Please work with your Webroot account rep to establish if this would be an acceptable use. I will also inquire as to whether we might create an additional invite template for this purpose. I will follow up on this.
Regarding design, you ask a good question about the invite templates not being considered phishing attempts. Ensuring your users are aware of your training campaign should help them be prepared to expect the invites. You might even share the actual design, and specify the email sender. It’s a best practice to announce your training effort internally to maximize participation. Note this does not necessarily apply to phishing simulations, which you don’t necessarily want to announce so as to maximize the simulation effectiveness.
Thanks and let us know if you have any further questions.
Thank you for this quick and helpful reply.