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This bug was reported a year ago in a Windows environment, but I’m reporting that it still exists in a MacOS environment. Exactly the same behavior: When attempting to add a trusted wi-fi network the application crashes.  Has anyone been able to resolve the issue?

@ccalhoun For absolute clarity, is this just happening when WiFi is switched off per the report you cite or whenever you try to add one regardless of state and connection? I am raising this with our QA team to try and reproduce and will get it raised as a defect as soon as they are able to do that.

This is when WiFi is ON otherwise I wouldn’t be able to log on to WiFi security or see any connections to add.


I believe that the original defect on Windows was where WiFi was switched off between loading the app and trying to add the trusted network, this seems to be a slight variation on the theme. I have passed details to our QA team and as soon as they can replicate it we will get a defect raised.

@ccalhounOur QA team have tried and failed to replicate this on MacOS, using the same version of the app as in your screenshot. The video they sent me of their test seems to line up with your screenshot but the app doesn’t crash and successfully lists wireless networks.

Am I correct in understanding you that your app initially list networks and then crashes? I am pondering if there is a Wireless SSID in range that contains characters which the app doesn’t like.

Can you Private Message (PM) the output of “airport -s” per or just me a screenshot showing your nearby networks if you can fit them all on and that’s easier.

Thanks for the reply - my app does not list any networks, it crashes before anything shows up. I’ll PM you the airport -s results. Thanks for your help!