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I’ve had WR WiFi Security for a while, but only in the last 2 weeks or so have I actively been using it.  I’m finding that I get my emails sporadically or not at all and when I send an email - it is getting hung up. I have to disconnect from the WR WiF Security in order to successfully send the email/receive current/days past emails.  Additionally, I’m now getting a lot of spam where in the past (before I started using WR WiFi Security) I never got spam.

I constantly get messages from Windows Live Mail that the mail server timed out. 

I’ve looked at this forum for answers but I haven’t found any.   



Try forcing the connection to USA West and see if the mail works properly when VPN is connected there.

Hi RidgeRider - Thanks for suggestion. When I am connected to the VPN I’m connected to USA East. I would like to think that isn’t the issue.  I’m probably going to open a Support Ticket. I can’t believe all the SPAM mail I am getting. It’s very troubling.

Just recommended you try it.  Worked for my issue with WIN10 app-based issues including mail.  Also, make sure you change your email password.

RidgeRider I’ll give it a try. Thanks again!

RidgeRider I’ll give it a try. Thanks again!

Hey @Jaxx ,

Any chance you’ve been able to give this suggestion a try? Any results worth mentioning? 



I did go onto the web mail server and blocked the spam emails from dumping into my mail tool.  A couple have come through but no where near what I was getting.  Also changed my mail password.  Until I open a ticket and get information regarding this issue from a support standpoint I really don’t want to connect to the VPN.  I will communicate back when I get a solution/resolution.   

@Jaxx I struggle to see how the fact that you are connected to any VPN could result in additional spam to your email address - as it can have no effect on your mail server which (if Windows Live Mail) is presumably hosted elsewhere on the internet. The only change is the method you use to connect to the email server which should - in theory - be more secure than connecting over unsecured networks.

It is more likely that the spam is as a result of a data breach - which unfortunately appears to be the case here The email address appears in several data breaches listed on - including one 1.2 billion record breach dated October 2019.

In the future we are planning on incorporating this data into Webroot products to actively warn our customers when an email address they have registered appears in a breach. We are already warning customers that their password appears in data breaches when they change or reset their password for several of our products - including WiFi Security.

I have raised the connectivity issues you mention with Windows Live Mail with the app team to investigate.

I was merely stating what I observed as that is the only thing that was directly linked to the event (using the VPN).  I haven’t had a problem with emails on Windows Live Mail since i identified the emails as spam/blocked them on my email server. Maybe it was a coincidence, but until I have time to look into it further I’m reluctant to use it. Thank you for the information above. I will check out the link you sent too.  🙂.

I too am experiencing issues with the webroot VPN. First off, all emails coming into my PC go thru  Mailwasherpro which I have had for years. I have had webroot for quite a while now,but only recently have I installed the VPN, & I had one hellofa time getting it to work. Still having problems though. THere are some websites I know & trust that I am not able to get to when connected to the VPN, nor am I able to send email when connected. This is proving to be more trouble than it’s worth. unless I am able to resolve these issues within the next month, I will not be renewing my subscription. There are other vpn’s out there.

Agree JDjones.  Even if there were a date breach with emails, why couldn’t I send or receive emails when I was connected to the VPN?  I haven’t had any more email issues since (thankfully), but it seems more than a coincidence that it happened only when I was using the VPN. 


I need to open a Support ticket and get answers that specifically address this before I reconnect to it on my laptop.


I am now able to log onto USAWest.  Still however unable to send email while logged on. Surely there must be a fix to this other than having to temporarily log off.

Tech support straightened out everything except the outgoing mail issue. I have tried changing every setting there is for outgoing mail in my email program. To no avail. To date, the only way I can send mail is to disconnect form WiFi Security. Some VPNs have a setting  to not send thru the VPN. If Webroot WiFi Security has such a setting, I cannot find it!  Today is Jan 1st, so I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to call tech support, again.

@JDJones ,

I’m happy that at least one of the issues was solved. Please keep us updated on the progression of your thread with Tech Support. 


@JDJones  I’m curious to see what they suggest as well. The response I rec’d was to log back in, change the server location several times and see if that works. I sent an further follow up question I’m waiting on a response before I try.  Seems odd that this is not happening to others. Hopeful this addresses the issue however.

I have had this problem also within Thunderbird .. but sometimes I CAN send an email … weird. Othewise I disable the VPN connection. Same for accessing Firefox/web.

@caa1 - I see they moved your concern in regards to accessing Firefox/web using VPN to the Webroot WiFii Security.  I want to follow that as well 🙂.


@Jaxx@JDJones@caa1 Please can you all confirm if you are using Thunderbird to send and receive emails, and if not which email client? Outlook, Windows Mail etc.

Please can you all Private Message (PM) me the port numbers and host names of the email servers you are unable to connect to whilst connected to WiFi Security, and the protocol in use (POP3/IMAP etc.).

I note that several users have also had issues with browsing the web using Firefox and I am being to wonder if some part of the Mozilla network stack doesn’t like WiFi Security.

As an example of the details I am after (from a couple of major email suppliers) so you can see the syntax-



Port: 993

Protocol: IMAP



Port: 995

Protocol: POP3



Port: 993

Protocol: IMAP



To find these-

For other clients see the documentation or search for “account settings” and the client name.


@pstonethompson   I don’t use FireFox as my browser and I use an old version of Windows Live Mail.  I will PM you the specifics.

Email server:  Chaos Intellect (Isbister)



@pstonethompson I tried to pm you an update to my settings but I got a “your not authorized to access this page”.  


@Jaxx Had your Community session expired whilst you were finding the details? Otherwise I will need to ask the Community team to look into this for you.

Feel like just removing wifi sec from system in total. Too frustrated with webroot in getting satisfaction for problem. However :

email is:  removed email for security & privacy

Host: ? POP mail server

SMTP server: Roadrunner/TWC

Server Name:

Port: 587

Connection Security: STARTLS

@pstonethompson  Apparently I was not logged in (sorry)! Sent you a PM

I have had great difficulty researching the current settings for TWC online, or if they have any geo-restrictions in force on their servers. It does appear that Spectrum have acquired them at some point and the only email server settings they publish that I have been able to find are under on or a different set under “Manual Configuration” at

Would it be possible for someone who has been having issues with Road Runner/TWC to try those settings whilst connected to WiFi Security and see if they work? It might be worth raising a Support ticket with your ISP with reference to checking the correct authentication, port and host settings and also if there are any geo-restrictions about where you can fetch your mail from (which would limit your possible VPN endpoints to within those regions).
