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***** HELP !

  • 18 April 2014
  • 5 replies


I bought and installed it in February and now each time I try to use it it says my subscrpition EXPIRED !

I tried a re-install = didn't work.

I belong to M.A.R.S.  ( MARS is an acronym for Military Auxillary Radio Service ) and I NEED my Webroot !


OBVIOUSLY Webroot has been compromised by something that an update hasn't (yet ) caught up to.


I would greatly appreciate any help to rectify my situation.

Thank you for your time and consideration.




EDIT: Removed full name and Email Address to protect the users privacy.  

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi Ron
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Sorry to hear about your issue.  I am surprised by what you say "Webroot has been compromised by something that an update hasn't (yet ) caught up to."  We have had no report of this type of issue as far as I know, and certainly none sicne the recent Update 1 to Win8.1 (I presime that you are a Win8.1 user but please confirm or disabuse that, to start with ;)). 
OK, so you have already tried to uninistall/reinstall?  But did you uninstall, reboot, download a fresh copy of the installer (from here if a Windows user and if NOT a Best Buy customer), install (without import of previous setting, if offerred by the installer, and then a reboot?
If not then please try that sequence.  And if that does not work then please Open a Support Ticket ASAP so that the Support Team can take a look for you.
I hope that helps...please post back to let us know how you get on.
Userlevel 7
H Ron, 
Is there any chance you purchased the Subscription software from Best Buy?  You can look on the back of the WSA box, lower right corner, and if you see a Best Buy Serial Number starting with 'WBR00" You may want to all them at 1800-GEEK-SQUAD to verify the key code and make sure it is entered correctly.  The Best Buy Subscription Software version will run in a trial/demo mode when the key code is entered incorrectly, but it will show expired after a certain period of time.
Userlevel 7
Morning , David...good thought!  I completely missed that I assumed a 30 day trial period from a February install...
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
Morning , David...good thought!  I completely missed that I assumed a 30 day trial period from a February install...
 :)  No worries... PM on it's way in a minute  :)
PM sent to Ron also to explain the edit on the original post.
Userlevel 7
Cheers...much obliged as always...
