
How do I get to the page where I can add exceptions?

  • 12 April 2018
  • 6 replies

When webroot blocks a web page, a notificatoin pops up with a button that takes me to a webroot dialog where I can add an exception. That popup disappears pretty quickly, and I don't always get to click it before it goes away. How can I go to the exceptions dialog directly? I don't see anything on the webroot control panel that can take me there.

Best answer by TripleHelix 13 April 2018, 01:17

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +63
@ wrote:
When webroot blocks a web page, a notificatoin pops up with a button that takes me to a webroot dialog where I can add an exception. That popup disappears pretty quickly, and I don't always get to click it before it goes away. How can I go to the exceptions dialog directly? I don't see anything on the webroot control panel that can take me there.
You should see a page like this with 3 options when a site is Blocked:

Here is a safe test page link:
I'm asking how to find the dialog that lets me add an exception when I don't have a popup to click on.
Userlevel 7
Badge +63
When you click on Unblock Page and Continue in the picture above that will Whitelist the site locally for you only, but if you feel the site is safe then you can request the site to be changed from bad to good here:
Also this is where the Whitelist is located in case you Bypassed a Bad Website.

Daniel 😉
Userlevel 7
Badge +63
@ wrote:
I'm asking how to find the dialog that lets me add an exception when I don't have a popup to click on.
May I ask what Browser you are using? Not all Browsers are supported so you will not get a blocked page on unsupported browsers. Microsoft Edge is supported only by the Web Filter Driver and if you land on a bad Website you will see the said Block page as posted above.
·         Internet Explorer® 9.0 and higher (32-bit and 64-bit)
·         Mozilla Firefox® (32-bit and 64-bit) - current and most recent versions
·         Google Chrome® (32-bit and 64-bit) - current and most recent versions
I don't seem to be communicating my question very well, since the answers so far are not really answers. I'll try again, and explain in detail why I am asking the question. If you just want to check out the question, skip to the end.
I use the latest versions of Firefox (59.0.2) and Chrome (65.0).
Background: Sometimes a site is blocked that I want to visit anyway. If I am quick enough, I can click on the pop-up block notice before it goes away, and get to a webroot screen that lets me enter an exception for that web site. Sometimes the notice goes away before I can click on it. I don't necessarily want to ask that the site be unblocked for everyone, at least not until I have checked it out for myself. If I see that the site is likely to be unsafe, or one that I don't want to visit again, I want to remove the exception for that site. In this case, there will no longer be a pop-blocking notice, so I need some other way to get to the webroot screen that manages exceptions.
One suggested answer: Someone suggested the Whitelist.txt file under ProgramData. That file is currently empty, even though I have entered a few exceptions. So that can't be the primary location for exceptions.
My actual question:
How can I get to the webroot screen that allows me to manage exceptions when there is no pop-up block notice?

Userlevel 7
Badge +63
No there isn't another way. To most of us the Block page doesn't go away unless you click on another website so it sounds like you have a problem so you can either do a clean reinstall of WSA or Submit a Support Ticket and ask them to look into it.
Please follow the steps closely!
  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example: SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • Be sure you add your Keycode to your Online Console: Webroot SecureAnywhere Online Console
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Geek Squad Subscription PC users click HERE) Let us know if it is the Mac version you need
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and DO NOT import any old settings as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
Please let us know if that resolves your issue?
