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The FingerQ PrivacQ Case for the Samsung Galaxy S3 adds a fingerprint sensor to the phone.


FingerQ, a company based in Hong Kong, has made a series of Android cases that come with biometric fingerprint sensors for added security. The sensors don't replace the built-in security features of your Android phone (unlocking your smartphone still uses the passcode or pattern unlock), but adds another layer of protection for chats and applications.

The FingerQ system will be available as an accessory called the PrivacQ case and caters to phones such as the Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, and Note 2, as well as the HTC One. The fingerprint sensor is just one part of the equation, as the company's software also needs to be installed on the handset for the system to work.


Read here.
Just as a note to anybody who uses a fingerprint reader always make sure never to use your thumb or index finger as the digit to unlock the device/door.
And why is that Roy?
The answer is slightly grim but if somebody really wants to gain access and decides to remove said thumb you wont be able to grab anything with that hand. You can function pretty well with your little finger missing however.
@ wrote:

The answer is slightly grim but if somebody really wants to gain access and decides to remove said thumb you wont be able to grab anything with that hand. You can function pretty well with your little finger missing however.

I had never thought of it that way.. Very good point Roy!
That is really neat finger sensor!!! What will be next?????? retina scan....or voice recognition????
@ Oh you're talking about that. Just like @ said, wait till retina scan is introduced as an extra layer of protection of mobile devices!
