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How to Open Google Chrome from Terminal on Mac

  • 21 November 2022
  • 5 replies

by: Paul Horowitz

Command line users may encounter situations where they’d like to open the Google Chrome web browser directly from the Terminal on the Mac.

Opening GUI applications from the command line is easy on MacOS, and the command syntax to do so has been the same since the beginning of Mac OS X, so regardless of what system software version you are using you’ll find this trick to work.


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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

This has been the case forever using the ‘open’ command. If you use command Line im not sure why you wouldn’t know this already

Userlevel 7

This has been the case forever using the ‘open’ command. If you use command Line im not sure why you wouldn’t know this already

Sure for us it may be easy but consider the computer illiterate people or the people with their first Mac or the elderly. This article may be of help for them.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

This has been the case forever using the ‘open’ command. If you use command Line im not sure why you wouldn’t know this already

Sure for us it may be easy but consider the computer illiterate people or the people with their first Mac or the elderly. This article may be of help for them.

I agree with your comment on the other post (about Upgrading macOS), but elderly or computer illiterate users should not be using the command line, the GUI is there for them.

My comment was simply that for people that use Terminal probably know the basics already.

As I said on the other post, online articles are still a very useful reference point.

Userlevel 7
Badge +25

Why would I need to open Chrome from the command line? And if you are using the command line and do not kn ow about the open command, or how to properly set PATH, maybe you should go back to the Finder. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Why would I need to open Chrome from the command line? And if you are using the command line and do not kn ow about the open command, or how to properly set PATH, maybe you should go back to the Finder. 

Precisely. Glad I’m not the only one thinking this.

no one should be using command line unless they are an experienced user 
