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Little help if i may...

So, we distribute webroot endpoint protection on our clients machines and on Friday managed to persuade a long-time client away from Sophos and onto Webroot.


The business owner is a slightly older chap and by his own admission, "extremely paranoid about anything tracking data in his browser" - so he uninstalled the web shield extension of webroot. The irony here is that it is there to protect him from the very dangers he fears of browsing online.

I admire his caution, but obviously would much rather he allowed the extension. Has anyone else experienced anything like this before and how did you get around it?



7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +25

I’m curious as to why he thinks that extension is tracking him?  I’m assuming surely you explained what it does and why it protects him from what he is afraid of?  I’m wondering if talking to a Webroot service person would calm his fears?  

Userlevel 7
Badge +25

Oh sorry, to answer the question, yes, I’ve had clients uninstall all kinds of protection software. In my cases, I’ve offered them a refund of payments remaining explaining that they hired me to help protect their system from such things, and if they are going to uninstall the software, I can’t do my job, but also cannot be responsible if anything happens to their system. I’d rather not have them as a client because you know if something happens even after they uninstalled things are their own, they are going to blame me for the problem. 

Good luck

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Yes. We’ve also had the same but as their IT provider we have a rigid process and our roll out of webroot explains what it’s doing and why. You either employ us to protect you or we can’t certify you as protected.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Thanks for the advice guys, he sent me the Comms whilst I was out of office and I have requested a call tomorrow morning to discuss his concerns and effectively explain what it does. Fingers crossed!

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Good luck. Let us know how it goes!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Thanks for the advice guys, after a lengthy discussion he relented and allowed me to reinstall it again!

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Yay! Well done

