Mac or PC?

  • 27 May 2014
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Eight Reasons Your Next Computer Should Be a Mac
By Harry McCracken, PCWorldApr 26, 2009 5:00 PMprint
Contrary to Microsoft marketing honcho David Webster's snarky recent assertion, Macs aren't "washed with unicorn tears" -- at least as far as I know. However, lots of extremely rational reasons exist to choose a Mac running OS X over a Windows PC. Macs can leave you happier and more productive than you would have been if you'd bought a Windows system, and feeling you got good value for your money even though a Mac is never the cheapest option.

I'm no hidebound advocate for the supremacy of Macs in every instance -- the last two computers I've bought have both been Windows laptops, and I cheerfully and sincerely wrote an article called Eight Reasons Your Next Computer Should be a PC to accompany this one. But when friends toss the eternal "PC or Mac?" question my way, these are the points I bring up in favor of the Mac. They're listed rough order of their positive impact on your everyday computing experience as I see it.

1. Macs are consistently consistent.
Windows Vista reminds me of the legendarily inexplicable Winchester Mystery House -- a place with endless wings and far-flung rooms connected by twisty staircases and secret passages. And every time Microsoft does a redecorating job (also known as an upgrade), it moves some stuff around for no apparent reason. OS X's logical, minimalist interface simply involves fewer things that must be learned and relearned, and Apple messes less with it in new releases such as Leopard. Bottom line: It's easier to get stuff done.
2. The joy of predictability.
Anyone who's ever suffered the indignity known as a Kernel Panic knows that Macs aren't bulletproof. But logging thousands of hours both on Windows PCs from multiple manufacturers and on Macs has convinced me that the average Mac is meaningfully less flaky than the average PC. In my experience Macs crash less, suffer from fewer inexplicable slowdowns, deal better with tight memory situations, and boot up and shut down quicker and more reliably. I don't pretend to have all the answers why, but it presumably doesn't hurt that Apple is the only company in the business that writes its own operating system and designs its own hardware.

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Prove it! :p
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Buy one....or better yet borrow mine...ROFL... Daniel saids/Prove it! 😉
Userlevel 7
LOL... Isn't this the same debate that's been going on since the beginning of time?  Or the Netscape vs. Explorer feud?
I'm a PC man.  I'll give Macs credit for being the go to machine for graphics, but for coding and beyond, I'll stick with my PC. :p
What's Really Beneath the Mac vs. PC Debate?
Have you ever wondered about the differences between a Mac and PC? How about hearing it explained by a Scot?
Ask the Internet and ye shall receive.
In seven minutes, professor Tom Rodden zips through a quick history of the two platforms and looks at the fundamental, technical differences between Apple’s and Microsoft’s approaches to computing. Watch this >>
- Jeff
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ I did enjoy this video Thank you indeed for the explanation of Mac and PC from Tom Rodden. I have the luxury of having both to play with and that helps my situation of comparing both IMAC and PCs.

No feuds here...
It it also true there are very few Mac users and odds are slim any of you are a Mac fan...which is okay...and simply there will be little debate or even discussions or participation in the matter I guessing...because minds are already set! 😉
Userlevel 7
PC all the way.:)
