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UTube Website Security Scan?

  • 23 February 2014
  • 8 replies


I'm wondering if the Webroot Antivirus scans all of the links/sites that are sometimes listed under UTube videos to check if they're OK to use.  I've been searching for a movie but have come across lots of links to other sites that stream the full film on-line, are these sites also checked by Webroot?

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi Linda
Hope that you are keeping well?
My understanding is that WSA checks the site of the link that you click on both in terms of analysing the page itself but also it checks its reputation against the Webroot Intelligence Network , to make its determination of the site...but I do not believe that it checks in detail the URL links on the website that you are going too...those are checked as you come to access them directly.  I suppose the issue here is that those URL links go to websites that have further URL links to other sites, etc., etc., etc., at what level don the tree do you stop checking ahead.
I am not sure on this but that is where the reputation comes in as if a site is not directly malevolent but is know to have links to suspect other sites then WSA can provide a warning that there is potential danger but noting directly dangerous, etc.
Of course, when you click on one of these follow on URLs then the whole process starts again and the full battery of WSA's protection modules come into play to protect you on that site, etc.
Not sure I have explained it very well but that is my understanding of how things work.  I am sure that one of the more learned members will quickly correct me if I am incorrect on any point. ;)
Have a great rest of weekend.
Userlevel 6
Badge +23
Hi there,

Yeah, that has helped somewhat, it is a bit 'involved' isn't it?

Although I go to utube through Google I felt that streaming a film might bring with it something nasty if it dosen't get checked.

By the way, do you know why it is that the check marks aren't displayed next to the results when searching using another browser like the Virginmedia web page (I use this because that's who I have my tel. & bb account with) even though the search is 'Enhanced by Google'?

Userlevel 7
Hi Linda
Even if streaming a film did attempt to bring a nasty WSA's other modules would keep you very well protected if the nasty tried to do anything, assuming it was ever to make it to your yo ucan breathe easy...I do when protected by WSA.
Re. the checkmarks; the web filtering only applies to searches run directly from the browser(s) running on your system.  When using the Virginmedia search (even though powered by Google) you are actually not running Google 'firsthand' (for want of a better term) but rather 'secondhand' as it is the Virginmedia site that is running the search for you...I hope that I have explained that OK...but if not then let me know and I will try again. :$
By the way I am a Virginmedia customer (Broadband & Mobile only) so have some experience with them should you ever have a question on that (when you are most welcome to PM me...I may not be able to help...but conversely I might ;)).
Userlevel 6
Badge +23
Thanks for that Baldrick, great explanation, I feel much more confident that WSA will 'take care of business'! :D

As for the checkmarks, it's unfortunate, but maybe that's something that the 'powers that be' could work on for the future, wadd'ya think?! 🙂
Userlevel 7
The check marks, as far as I know but I still have a lot to learn, only display on certain browsers (IE, Chrome and Firefox) and when using search engines such as Bing, Google, Yahoo, etc.  The links from other web pages or other browsers do not display the ratings information.
But again.. I could be wrong 🙂
Userlevel 7
Hi David
My turn to say that 'you are spot on'...;)
Hi Linda
It is an interesting idea but whether technically feasible or not that I would not venture to even guess at...but what you could do is post a feature request in the Ideas Exchange (see link at the top of the page under 'CONTRIBUTE' (apologies if you are already aware of this...:$) and describe the lines that you are think along.  Other users wil then have the chance to review, commen on & support (if they agree) with the idea...and I do know that the Development Team regularly review the feature requests and update them with status information.
Happy to help out if you need a hand formulating something...should you decide to raise the request and are having difficulties, etc.
Userlevel 6
Badge +23
Mmmm... tis 'cunning plan' Baldrick! Ha ha.

Yeah, I think I'll do that, if I can manage to explain it alright that is! Lol!
Userlevel 7
Hi Linda
Excellent...well done. :D
If you@Baldrick me, as a PS to the feature request, then I be notified and will pop over and take a look/comment, etc.
