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Working on a wiki on wikia.

The site is great so i'm going to make a wiki for webroot, and the wiki admins will be nic, baldrick, ssheiffjj, david, jasper_the_rasper and all the VIPS and Webroot Employees.


Well thats my thanks to you webroot!

20 replies

Userlevel 5
What do you think about my thanks to all of you!
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Sounds good - what's the link to the page?
Userlevel 5
What should i put for the about page aka the home page
Userlevel 5
And i'm setting it up
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
You could put something about what Webroot is, what our products are, and the history of the company.  You can probably glean a lot of that from Wikipedia and
Userlevel 5
Userlevel 5
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Thanks, looks good!
Userlevel 5
Can you join!
Userlevel 5
Also i put it in the webfoot theme kind of way.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
I posted on your wall - looks like I already had a login.  Interestingly enough I once interviewed to work at Wikia 🙂
Userlevel 5
Your an admin of the wiki 🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Thanks man!
Userlevel 5
You helped me reach where i am today on the webfoot community and this is a thanks
Userlevel 5
Stupid autocorrect lol
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Autocorrect does catch everyone now and then :)
Userlevel 5
New blog post on the site.
Userlevel 5
nic do you like the logo.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Yep, looks good.
Userlevel 5
Thanks i'm going to ask miquell if he can join.
Userlevel 5
Hope he joins!
