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Businesses not immune to state-sponsored hacking

  • 30 April 2014
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Businesses aren't immune to state-sponsored attacks - they can be caught up when secret services target individuals, experts have said.

Security experts speaking at InfoSec Europe warned that businesses often think such attacks are only something national governments do to each other, but businesses could prove to be the "weak link in the chain"


Security analyst Graham Cluley explained: “You might not think you are of interest to the government of China or Greece, but your customers may be. We have to recognise ethat]."

For example, Cluely pointed to GCHQ hacking Belgacom, Belgium’s largest telecoms provider. He said no-one "is afraid of Belgium", it was the organisation’s clients that were the ultimate target.


However, while businesses are at risk from state-sponsored attacks, criminals remain the greatest risk, especially via low-key techniques such as phishing or insider leaks.

Michael J Driscoll, assistant legal counsel, at the Embassy of the USA said cybercriminals can make the greatest amount of money by thieving "a few thousand pounds" from a string of smaller users, rather than trying take on larger targets like banks, he said.


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