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Can I expect the same functioning & issues as with the 'complete' version?

  • 17 August 2012
  • 1 reply

I am trying the Endpoint product, and already had bought the Complete product. The endpoint version seems very similar, and same UI etc. So can I expect roughly the same functioning and  issues compared with Complete?


For example I could not paste a password into a VPN connection (nothing happened, while in notepad it was pasted). And I could not copy a value manually inserted in a login dialog (the clipboard remained unaltered). I know about identity protection>protected applications, and have set all entries there to allow.

These are examples, the main question is how similar are the 2 products? (except getting the data/info/protection out of the cloud, I understand that difference)

1 reply

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Hi Dick,
The agent that comes with the Complete version is essentially the same as the Business Endpoint agent.  The Business agent give you a lot more control from the console through policies, agent commands, reports, etc, but the malware protection works exactly the same.
If you're having problems with the privacy shield, that can very quickly be fixed by opening a support ticket from the PC with the problem.  However, ID shield problems like cut and paste, can often be caused by canceling the initial install scan, the unfortunate result of which can be everything in the Identity Shield being set to Deny.  You'll want to go to Identity & Privacy -> View/Edit Protected Applications and change at least your browsers to a Protect state.  There may be other items in here that merit Protect or Allow as well.  If there are many apps listed, you could just do an uninstall / reinstall and let the scan complete. Again, if that doesn't solve it, let support help you via a ticket.
