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Hi there,


I'm facing with the a problem on the "Webroot Secure Anywhere" webconsole. After I delete a policy and try to create a new one with the same name, I get an error that the name is already in use and the console refuses me to create the policy used in the past. I think after I delete a policy I should have the ability to decide using the policy (name) again or not. A deleted policy does not mean that this will never be used again.


Is there a workaround or a fix. Kindly assist me for this problem.



Huseyin Keskin

Belstar Denizcilik ve Tas. A.S.

Country IT Manager
Unfortunately there isn't a workaround for this.  I checked in with the support folks and there isn't a way to re-use the name.  I see that you already voted up the Feature Request, so I'll make sure that gets seen here internally.  In the meantime, you could slightly alter the name you deleted, or add a number to the end of it.
