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I have had console alerts setup to notify me of Threats and Installs for 3 years but in the last 6 months I have not been sent notifications for detected threats or installs on all bar one occasion where I received it 24 hours after the fact.

It used to all work instantly.

I have raised this with support now and in the past and not got very far. Is anyone else experiencing this issue and if you managed to fix it how did you do so?




Hey there @BillSlaven ,

Webroot goes through many updates every month, so I imagine support may likely be able to help you with this issue if they were not able to in the past. 

In the meantime, I’ll ping a product expert and see if he has any ideas. @coscooper 


The first pass with support was for them to send me the setup instructions but they have now passed it onto the backend team to investigate.


After having this fixed and pushed through it is not working again!

I have logged a ticket but this is happening regularly, how do I escalate this for it to be permanently fixed?

