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Endpoint name not updating after hostname change.

After I change the hostname on an endpoint I never see it take effect on the manager. 


Winodws 8 clients, not on a domain.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Welcome to the Webroot Community!

We apologize for the issue that you are describing.
If you log into your management console you can change the hostname by double clicking on the name in the console.
Will you give this a try for me and let me know if the name does not change or reverts back to the previous one?
Best Regards,
James G.
So, there isn't an automated way for the name to change when the hostname is changed? I installed the client AV on clients that had randomly generated hostnames, and then renamed them...I have no way of knowing from the console which is which. 
Userlevel 5
Sounds like this has made quite a unfortunate problem. Unfortunately, no, they will not update. Though you can enable more identifiers in the console. So you certainly can identity them. If you hover over a column in the console (for example "Hostanme") a down arrow will appear, this will allow you to go to columns and set the visible columns. You can enable IP Address, Internal IP Address, MAC Address, AD Domain, AD OU, Workgroup, and even Current User. So you should be able to easily track down the machines in your environment with this info and get them named correctly.
Also in the left pane you can see "Search" here you can even input, say a internal IP, and bring up the machine that has last checked in there.
