
InDesign on Mac

  • 26 May 2015
  • 7 replies

When Webroot protection is running, InDesign on Mac does not function properly. This requires turning off protection to utilize all the features in InDesign.

Best answer by JamesG 27 May 2015, 18:51

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7 replies

Userlevel 7
Hello @,

Welcome to the Webroot Community.
I see that you have both a consumer and a business license so I was curious as to which you are seeing this issue on?
Due to the unique way in which keyboard shortcuts work on the Mac OS, the secure keyboard entry feature may prohibit shortcut functions in a variety of applications. This includes, but is not limited to, Adobe Creative Suite Products, Macro applications, or some built in features that are triggered by key combinations—such as Dictation and Speech.
This can be resolved by clicking the Webroot icon located on the top right of the menu bar, then clicking “Pause Secure Keyboard Entry.”
If this does not work for you, I would advise creating a support ticket so that we can investigate and whitelist any files that may be monitored on your system.
You can create a support ticket here.
Please let me know if pausing the secure keyboard entry works, or if you have any other updates from support.
Best Regards,
That worked! Thank you!
Userlevel 7
You are very welcome!
Please do not hesitate to let us know should you have any other questions or concerns.
I would also advise poking around the community a bit as we have a ton of knowledge and some great members here.
I hope you have an excellent day/night!
Best Regards,
 I had that problem too and used your suggestion (This can be resolved by clicking the Webroot icon located on the top right of the menu bar, then clicking “Pause Secure Keyboard Entry.” ) which worked but .. what happens with the protection factor now? Do I need to intermittently turn that back on to allow a search for issues?
njr productions
Is it possible to generally deactivate the 'Pause Secure Keyboard Entry' for every new installation in a specific group or policy? 
Kind regards,
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Not currently, but that's on the roadmap. Right now everything on Mac has to be done locally.
what happens with the protection factor now?
Still no answer to this, I would like to know that as well. Can anybody tell me anything about this?
