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Problem with Customer Support: Endpoint Protection

  • 11 February 2013
  • 9 replies

We did not purchase/install WRSA.exe until July 2012. We began having these problems when we upgraded to Win7 64bit in November 2012.  Suggestions are welcome!
Welcome to the Forums rachelk!


Have you tried to uninstall, and reinstall from a fresh download (not from the CD), following the tip listed previously on this thread to check "no" if it asks you to import previous settings?  I believe this is the correct link to do a fresh download to install from:  


Most likely a Webroot Mod will be around shortly, and you can also Submit A Trouble Ticket if the install from fresh download does not seem to help.
Hey rachelk


Welcome to the Community! Just to clarify, I see that you're an Endpoint customer and this thread is for our SecureAnywhere Complete consumer product. Do you in fact have a question about Complete or are you looking for assistance with the Business product?
We have Webroot Secure Anywhere Endpoint Protection, so if that excludes us from this forum so-be-it. I was simply responding to an issue that we are having with our product and not receiving adequate support for from the support team. Our IT staff has been hitting a brick wall with WR support in that no one seems to know why it keeps crashing and causing hangups. I was intending on waiting until the subscription was up in July 2013 before considering a different AV solution, but with the problems it is causing us presently, we may not be able to wait and will simply have to jump ship. I will let our IT dept continue to wait for progress from WR support. Thanks!
Hi Rachel,

Webroot has a business forum as well.


However, so far I think the Webroot moderators are just trying to ascertain the exact issue you're having and what product you're having it with. I'm a business customer and they've always been happy to help.
I wanted to move it to our Business forum where we have people that can chime in on Endpoint discussions. :D


I also renamed the title appropriately.
Thank you, I suppose that is a good way to get attention to the issue. The performance issue (severe slow-downs and application crashing) has not been reported in this forum so hopefully support can stay focused on the business impacting issue that needs to be resolved. Thank you.
Hello Rachel,

My name is Shawn and  I am the US Enterprise Support Team Lead. I would like to know more about the issues you are experiencing and work directly with you to resolve those.


If you could please open a support ticket by going to:


For the subject, please put "Attn: Shawn" so that it will be directed immediately to myself.


Feel free to include a convenient phone number that I may reach you at and please tell me a little about the issues you are seeing at this time.



Thank you Rachel,

Shawn T

Webroot US Enterprise Support Team Lead
Thank you Shawn. Our IT company has already opened a support ticket and has reported that they are not getting anywhere with it. Meanwhile we continue to have WRSA.exe crashes, another machine locked up today. 


Within the support log there is only the email conversation contained, but there have been many phone interactions not documented. The last thing documented was the support team advising our IT personnel to submit diagnostics log to customer support. The request from the webroot console to the specific machine took the machine down for 6 hours.


Since then, there doesn't seem to be an answer.


The number of my IT person has been sent to Shawn in an email, His name is William Goth. The issue and troubleshooting really need to go through him. If you think you can resolve this - that would be great. 


Edit: I have provided Shawn with your IT contact info and have removed the number so that their information is secure.
Hello Rachel,


I have contacted William and we discussed our game plan for reaching a resolution for your issue. He is going to setup a time for me to remote into a system currently experiencing this issue and I will gather all necessary logs and process dumps required for development to troubleshoot and resolve this issue.


I thank you again for contacting Webroot. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.


Shawn T

Webroot US Enterprise Support Team Lead
