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Product Pricing policy - have you changed it/increased it?

  • 8 December 2015
  • 3 replies



I recently purchased about 40 licences and now plan to deploy further.  We obtained pricing from your local distributer in Ireland a few weeks ago and now went back to order andother 250+ and now have a different price.  It's now roughly 30% more expensive to buy.  This now placed the project in jeopardy and are looking to source an alternative - reluctantly I might add.  


We are a non-profit humanitarian organisation and we work in some very unstable places.  Security is extremely important to us.


I'm happy to take this conversation private if needs be.



3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Let me get in touch with our EMEA sales guy and find out what the deal is.
Thanks....  We're really anxious to get this to bed.  I'd also love to connect with EMEA sales so we can build a relationship with them....  Please advise how best to make this happen....!
Hi there Victor
This seems unusual. Perhaps a mistake. Why not drop me an email with full details so I can help out.
