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Server 2012R2, VMware WRSA is spiking my clients CPU usage to 100% at random times of the day

  • 13 March 2017
  • 5 replies

Server 2012R2, VMware WRSA.exe is spiking my clients CPU usage to 100% at random times of the day.  This has been an ongoing battle and eventually we have to reboot the server.


Not sure where to start on this.


Hello @ and welcome to the Community.

It sounds like you have some processes that need to be properly whitelisted. Please reach out to our Support Team at your convenience and they'll help take care of this for you.

Business Technical Support: Call 1-866-254-8400

Open a Support Ticket:

Thanks for the reply.


I worked with WR support a few months ago, nothing was resolved, but the issue seemed to clear up on its own, but now it is back again, i reopened the ticket i had opened.  They've got 11 VMWare servers and this is the only one that is affected.


My pleasure.

Sorry to hear that you've experienced this problem before. If you could update us here once you find out anything more, just to ensure that other users having similar problems can have more insight.


Also, for quicker assistance you can run our log utility so they can review the information even quicker:
Will do.


I am familiar with and have already uploaded them.


Thanks again!
My pleasure! Always happy to help.

