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  • 2 August 2013
  • 5 replies

It appears when sorting fields in Group Management, All Endpoints screen, that its only sorting based on the page and not the entire group of endpoints.  For example I want to sort the "status" field and bring all infected machines to the top. Am I doing something wrong?



5 replies

Userlevel 7
No, this isn't your fault. That is a known issue that will unfortunately take considerable work to address. The sorting is handled client-side, so it deals with what it has on the page. Sorting it on our end looks like it would require at least one large architectural change. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Userlevel 7
Badge +6
I never thought I'd miss the days of the thick client administration approach. 🙂
Thanks for the reply Jim.  Is there any reports that can show me which machines not not reported in over lets say 30 days?
Userlevel 7
You can use the Agent Version Spread report and sort by "last seen," but then you're encountering the same issue you originally mentioned. I'd suggest putting in a feature request for server-side sorting. As I mentioned, it's not likely to be something that will happen very quickly due to the nature of the work, but it always helps in getting things moved forward when we can track popular demand.
Userlevel 7
Just a quick update for anyone who wants to support the idea of improved sortability - an idea has been created for it here.  Please add your kudos if this feature would be valuable to you.
