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When viewing info in main sites screen of GSM the times shown there do not appear to be adhering to the selected time zone as shown in first screen shot. When going to the actual site and viewing info there the time is shown correctly as in the second screen shot. Is there something I am missing in setup?


Time Wrong - Shows 05:56




Time Correct - Shows 12:56



Unfortunately it doesn't appear as though your attached screenshots are showing up :(


Could you try re-attaching, or linking to them?  Alternatively, let us know the screens where these appear to handle your timezone differently and we will investigate.


Many thanks!
That is odd. The screenshots show up for me just fine on my desktop browser. They do not show up when viewing on my android phone. I will try attaching here in a different format and if that doesn't work I will link them.

Ah, I think the images are awaiting moderation. I'll see if I can find a moderator with full access to approve them! 😃
Thanks for the links - I can see the images now.

Yes, this certainly appears like undesired behavior. I'll raise this as a defect within the team's backlog and get this resolved for their next available code release.
@ wrote:

Ah, I think the images are awaiting moderation. I'll see if I can find a moderator with full access to approve them! :D
Sorry for the delay, these are approved now. :D
