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I just received this email "It's the largest attack ever - could you be affected?"...."Find out how to protect yourself". The link takes you to a thread of comments. What is the net net? How can Webroot protect? Would it be to use the Secure Anywhere app or the more robust Web Security Service? Not clear from the email. I've aleady got an installed base of Secure Anywhere. Thanks.
We linked you to the post that gave some suggestions of how to protect yourself - I'll copy and paste it here to make it easy to find:


It doesn't look like credit card numbers were stolen, so you don't have to get new cards.  You can contact the credit rating agencies and put a credit freeze on your accounts.  This makes it so that no new accounts can be created under your name without you calling in to authorize it, since the data thieves made off with SSNs and other data that would allow them to impersonate you for credit checks.


Anthem has also put up a website announcing that they'll be giving you free credit monitoring services to hopefully catch any fraud:

They've got a number you can call for any questions:



Hope that helps and sorry that you were affected!


As to the passwords, most likely you would only need to change any associated with Anthem, unless you re-use the same password everywhere, in which case you'll want to change your passwords.
