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I need to uninstall Webroot from a few dozen computers at a client and it isn't uninstalling.  I have tried:


Deactivating ( never uninstalls )

Agent Commands > Agent > Uninstall ( never uninstalls )


I have tried refreshing the configuration... rebooting....  no joy.  Webroot remains.


Given the number of computers upon which Webroot is installed, it isn't realistic to reboot each one to safe mode just to uninstall.


Is there any other method I can use to centrally uninstall these agents?  A removal tool that can be pushed out?  Anything?
Are the computers otherwise scanning and checking in to the console?

Also have you worked with support yet? If not I can have them reach out to you.
Yes... it is still checking in and running scans....  even though the machine is in the "Deactivated Endpoints" folder 
That does sound strange as it should be receiving the deactivate commands. I'll put in a ticket to have support contact you to troubleshoot and grab some logs.
