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Today we experienced a serious issue that was caused by WebRoot. Approximately 60% of our systems were stuck in an endless reboot cycle:

Starting Windows ..

Starting Windows ..


Some systems showed the following BSOD:



   STOP: 0x0000000A (0x00000018, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x82EBC11C)

After we identified the problem, which took a very long time, we rolled out the following solution:

- Boot from Windows installation CD

- SHIFT-F10 to start a dos prompt

- From the dos prompt

- Rename C:WindowsSystem32WRusr.dll to

- Rename C:WindowsSystem32drivers WRkrn.sys to

The above fixed the problem (60% of my users can work again) but of course effectively disables webroot antivirus

How to proceed from here on!
Hello @ and welcome to our Community.

Please look at our other Thread regarding this issue:

We'd really appreciate it if you reached out to our Support Team so they can more information from the System in question:

Business Technical Support: Call 1-866-254-8400

Open a Support Ticket:

